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Found 5356 results for any of the keywords epoxy cementitious. Time 0.009 seconds.
Epoxy Cementitious Flooring | Cement Epoxy Coating | Jemkon PuneJemkon’s Epoxy Cementitious Flooring consist resinous material with filler such as resin, hardener, and cement-based formulated aggregates.
Industrial Epoxy Flooring Service - jemkonJemkon’s epoxy flooring solution is an excellent option for your industrial and commercial project all across India. We provide epoxy flooring services all over India, including area such as Baddi, Gurgaon, Hyderabad, Ko
Anti Static Epoxy Flooring | ESD Epoxy Flooring | JemkonJemkon Anti static epoxy flooring is excellent in surface resistivity and adhesion properties which is widely used in industries.
Chemical Resistant Epoxy Flooring | Epoxy Floor Topping | JemkonJemkon’s chemical resistant epoxy flooring protects concrete from exposure to corrosive chemicals
Epoxy Hybrid Flooring Coating | Polyurethane Hybrid Flooring | JemkonJemkon offers an industrial Epoxy Hybrid Flooring Coating service all across India,with water-dispersed technology main offices in Pune.
Epoxy Damaged Concrete Repair | Concrete Crack Repair Epoxy | JemkonJemkon offers epoxy damaged concrete repair for industrial and commercial use with good quality concrete repair material.
DIY – Epoxy Floor Paint - jemkonJemkon offers DIY- epoxy floor coating which are single and two-component, water-based and solvent-based that suits every pocket. Our DIY epoxy floor paint comes with wide color options and can even customize the color d
Anti-Corrosive Epoxy Primer - jemkonJemkon is the leading epoxy flooring contractor in Pune , uses anti corrosive epoxy primer which is excellent in adhesion and good abrasion resistance.
Cementitious Self Leveling | Epoxy Floor Coating Services | JemkonJemkon offer best chemistry with a combination of epoxy and PU floor coating to attain world class durable car parking flooring.
Waterproofing - jemkonTerrace Roof waterproofing is the process of applying various materials or coatings to protect the roof or terrace surface from water penetration and prevent water leaks. It is a critical step in building construction
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